Thursday, July 8, 2010

Little Brother

I have been asked several times over the last three weeks how Ashlyn and Trent are adjusting to having a new little brother. Truth be told, Trent was thrilled from the get-go. Since the first time he saw Luke, he has been more than happy with the new addition to the family and does not at all seem to care that he has had less cuddle time with mommy.

Ashlyn, on the other hand, took a little more convincing. Before Luke was born, Ashlyn made it quite clear to everyone that she wanted a little sister, that the baby in mommy's belly was indeed a girl, that she was going to be the best big sister a girl could ask for, and that her little sister's name was going to be "marshmallow heart" or "rainbow diamond". She even made it known that if the baby happened to be a boy, she would be quite mad at mommy and would not be a big helper with the baby. So, when we broke the news to her that the baby was a boy and not a girl, she was a little heart-broken. Upon hearing the news, she turned her pouting face and stared out the hospital room window.

Lucky for all of us, especially little Luke, her sadness was very short lived. Once I told her that she could still be the best big sister, that I still needed her to be a big helper, and that Luke loved her very much, she changed her tune and easily fell in love, right along with the rest of us.

Ashlyn and Trent have both proved to be very good helpers. Ashlyn loves to hold Luke and will do so for a half hour at a time, which allows me to do the dishes or the laundry or whatever needs to be done. And Trent has taken his role of 'diaper disposal' very seriously, leaving no soiled diapers behind after a changing.

Having three children has been a breeze so far, but I have not yet tried to grocery shop by myself with three in tow. We'll see how that one goes. I'm just glad Ashlyn and Trent love their little brother and have adjusted to the change.

I have not yet had to deal with any jealousy or resentment, for which I am very grateful. Both siblings are quite taken with our little guy.

Trent has nicknamed him "Lukey Lukey Pookie," which he says in a very high pitched voice. Both Ashlyn and Trent inform me when they think Luke needs to eat and will give him his binki when he is fussy. And lucky Luke has received a bazillion kisses in his short 23 days here on earth.

Luke is such a good, sweet baby that I already know I want another. Ashlyn might still get a little sister someday. But for now, another little brother isn't so bad.


Lindsay said...

Oh my goodness, they are ALL so cute! I'm so glad you are all doing well and that everything is adjusting okay! Luke is just precious, and I'm so glad you have such great helpers! Very cute pictures. You guys just have the sweetest little family!

Monica Lifferth said...

Cute, cute photos. I love that first one of Trenters. He is such a good big bro. and such a good older cousin. Sweet boy.

The Carter Family: said...

OH, what CUTE kids you have!! I'm glad that I was able to see Luke in person...he is adorable! I'm impressed with all your blog entries so soon, you are amazing!!! Now, let's just hope the kids like him when he is able to get into all their toys!! (Or, they will just lock him out of their rooms like my kids do!!)