Thursday, July 15, 2010


When I found out I was pregnant with our third child, I wondered if three children would prove to be a crowd or a charm. Here is my answer: the third time is definitely a charm! Luke is such a sweet, good baby.

My favorite thing about this boy right now is that he is a cuddler. I just love to hold him. He conforms his tiny body next to mine, cuddles right up to me, and is as content as can be.

And even though they say it doesn't happen this early, I swear I have gotten some genuine smiles from him.

(I have to document how much hair he has now before it all falls out.)

One month has already passed since Luke entered this world. I am really trying to cherish this time while he is so small. Too soon he will be sitting up, crawling, walking, running, and getting into all sorts of mischief with his big brother.

And his big sister.

It is crazy how fast time goes by. It seems like just yesterday that it was Ashlyn who was cradled in my arms, and it was Ashlyn's tiny hand that was wrapped around my finger. Now Ashlyn cradles Luke in her arms and Luke wraps his tiny hand around Ashlyn's finger.

The only thing I can to to stop time is to document it as best I can, and to hold him as much as possible.


All About M.E.('s) said...

He is a special baby and such a cute cuddler! And, great pictures!

rsheedy said...

He's a cutie!! I love that early, cuddly stage. So precious!

Ashley Rae said...

Gorgeous boy!! He makes such a great addition to your family :)

Princess said...

Aww he really is such a sweetheart! He is going to get a lot of love from Belle and Trenters (and a lot of bruises, lol). Cuddly babies are the best!

Monica Lifferth said...

Love and miss my little Lukie. I hate that he will grow without me there to watch it. :(