Monday, November 14, 2011

You Look Like A Monkey...

and you smell like one too! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my little guy Trent! I love this boy so much. I'd like to share some thoughts and facts about my now four-year-old, along with a few photos of him during the past year.

He is affectionate. I love that he will give me a hug or a kiss at any time of day, whenever I ask. Sometimes I don't even have to ask, he just walks up to me with his lips puckered and his arms open. And he always tells me he loves me, or that I am beautiful, or that I am the best mom ever. I am soaking it up because I know this phase won't last forever.

He makes up words. One day while we were at the park, he was so proud of himself for climbing up the slide. He called my name and said, "look at me!" I said, "Good job buddy, you are awesome!" He responded, "I'm a skropple!" Another example happened when we were having a mini-preschool and discussing the letter 'A'. I asked Ashlyn and Trent what begins with the letter 'A'. Ashlyn immediately responded with "apple" and "Ashlyn". Trent, not wanting to be left out, exclaimed, "appreciment!"

He loves wrestling with Daddy. It can definitely turn a frown upside down and will cure any bad mood.

He has a fascination with Wednesdays. I don't know why, but if ever there is a question of what day something will happen or has happened, he believes it will fall or has fallen on a Wednesday. Whether it is for good or bad, Wednesday is the day.

He used to be the best eater. Now almost every night is a battle to get him to eat his dinner. He will pack his cheek with meat, vegetables, potatoes, rice, whatever he doesn't want to swallow and just hold it there for a long, long time. He's like a chipmunk. But not everything. His favorite dinners are meatloaf (go figure), spaghetti, grilled cheese with homemade tomato soup, hot dogs,...and I'm drawing a blank.

He still loves his cars. And I love that I will find them in random locations throughout the house.

He hates getting in trouble. If he thinks I'm made at him, it makes him so sad. All you have to do when he has done something wrong is tell him to go to his room and he immediately starts to cry. He really is happiest when everyone around him is happy.

He loves going to preschool. He asks me at least four times a week if it's a school day for him. Too bad for him that he only gets to go twice a week.

He loves to cuddle. This morning he was the last one to wake up, so I went and laid in bed with him and he was as happy as can be. I asked him a couple of times if he was ready to get up and go eat breakfast and he kept saying, "I just want to cuddle." What a sweet boy.

He is all boy. The other day he got so mad at me for saying that a picture he colored was beautiful. 'Beautiful' is apparently a girl word and shouldn't be used to describe anything about him.

He definitely has the energy of a four-year-old. He loves to be outside riding his bike or jumping on the trampoline. This summer he learned how to do a front flip and was pretty proud of himself. He loves to jump off the stairs - the more, the higher, the better. And, he loves doing somersaults and hand stands on the couch.

His best friend is his big sister and a close second is his cousin Maya. This sometimes means dressing up in a tutu or playing with barbies, but he doesn't mind as long as they are willing to play with cars half the time. It's a good trade off.

He hates being left out. I don't think anything hurts his feelings more than when he is with his cousins and wants to be a part of what they are doing but can't be or isn't invited or is told 'no'. He really does have a tender heart.

He definitely takes after his daddy's good looks. Check out this picture of Brian when he was about Trent's age -

All in all he is just a good, happy boy and we wouldn't trade him for the world. He adds so much to our family and we love him to pieces.

Happy Birthday Trenters!


Heather said...

Happy Happy birthday to Trenters! What a lucky guy-to have you as a mom! Cute party, cute post! Yay for your dad's first round..hope the next 2 weeks bring his energy back! xox

Lindsay said...

What a little stud muffin - he is so dang cute.

The Simmons Family said...

Happy birthday Trent! You and mister Owen would be great are so much alike!

Jamie said...

He is one stinkin' cute boy!
Happy Birthday Trent!!!

Ashley Rae said...

He is such a handsome little devil. :) In some of those pictures, he looks SO much like Ashlyn!
What a sweet boy you have, there. Happy birthday Trent!

Princess said...

Happy Birthday Trenters! I love that kid death and love how sensitive he is. I hope he enjoyed his "bread and broccoli"!

Zachary said...

Ha ha! Happy Birthday Trent! What a great kid!

The Wright's said...

He really is a sweet little guy. Always happy and wanting to participate. I don't know how you got three amazing kids, but count yourself lucky. (Well, actually I do. Both you and Brian are pretty great yourselves!!)