Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Luke's 1st Birthday!

Luke's big day started out a little rough when he woke at 6:50 am to his leg being caught between two rungs of his crib. Luckily he recovered quickly and things went uphill from there. First, he enjoyed (what I believe to be) his favorite breakfast - pancakes.

Then it was time to open presents, which required a little assistance from big sister and Daddy.

Luke's favorite gift was a box of his very own tissues! I got the idea from my cousin Jen, who gave her baby a box of tissues for Christmas one year. Since Luke is constantly into everything, I thought he would get a kick out of it, and I was right. I just love all his facial expressions.

Then it was time for a bath with his new bath toy. When I saw this, I knew Luke would love it because he loves running water. There is a pump in the bottom that recycles the bath water and creates a constant stream.

After getting dressed, I let Luke loose, to terrorize the house and much as he pleased, with out the normally repeated 'no'!

After he played with his new stacking cups, he was tuckered out and took his morning nap.

For lunch, he ate bologna (that was a first), cheese, and grapes. Sorry about the girly bib buddy!

After lunch, I went for a run, and from what I understand he was grumpy the entire time I was gone. So, I gave him a bottle and he took another nap. Oh, what I wouldn't give to have a nap or two a day!

After regaining some strength, it was time once again to terrorize...

and then we took a little trip down to the farm at Thanksgiving Point.

Luke had so much fun and really got a kick out of all the animals. It was so fun to see his face light up as we walked past each new animal.

And I had a serious case of deja vu when I snapped this photo:

Here's why:
This picture was taken when Trent was about 11 months.

Yes, you can definitely see the family resemblance. And here are some more pics from our little outing.

Here is Trent before he decided that he didn't like horses. After this, we walked over to see another horse and when Trent got close enough, he bit Trent's earlobe. Ouch!

The calves were especially adorable.

We ate dinner at the cafe and then Luke had a special birthday treat.

We came home, had a wardrobe change and then headed up to Red Butte Garden for a reception and took the opportunity to snap a few photos.

By the time we got home, Luke was plum tuckered out and so we put him in his jammies and he went right to bed. It's unfortunate that he will not remember this day, but at least he enjoyed himself in the moment. And, at least it is recorded so that he can read about it some day.

He is such a joy and has added so much to our family in the last year. We will be celebrating his life with our families on Friday with a ball party. I have a feeling that he is going to give us a good show when he eats his cake! So, stay tuned!


Lindsay said...

He is such a sweetheart - what a cutie! Happy 1st Luke! He looks so grown up now too with that haircut! What a little stud. Looks like a fun day!

Jamie said...

Happy, Happy Birthday Lukey Dear!

Zachary said...

Happy Birthday Luke!!

Princess said...

Oh my gosh those pictures are precious! I love the one of him biting the present! Thanks for documenting it so I can see, lol. I can't believe he is already 1! He is such a sweetheart and too cute for words! Happy Birthday Buddy!

ps-I forgot how chunky Trent was at that age ha ha ha

Marilyn said...

What a lucky boy to be treated so wonderfully on his 1st birthday! He's a cutie! His birthday party was so fun, too:)

Heather said...

Happy Birthday, Buddy! So cute! xox

rsheedy said...

He is such a cutie! What a great mama, to let him have free reign of the house AND the tissue box. Happy birthday cutie!!

Ashley Rae said...

What a fun birthday for him. Terrorizing the house without getting reprimanded? Sounds like any baby's dream. Haha.

And that little girl of yours is such a ham. I love how she poses for the camera. lol

All About M.E.('s) said...

What a fun day! Did he have a hard time the next day when he went back to hearing 'no' on a regular basis? Happy Birthday Luke. We love you lots!!