He is the hardest worker I know. He always has a project, always.
He is a great story teller. I grew up listening to my dad tell stories of his childhood as we sat around the dinner table. And he has written several books which are among my most prized possessions.
He has the most beautiful backyard and he has done it all himself. He has never hired a landscaper; every inch has his personal fingerprints. His backyard is one of my favorite places in the world to be. It is so relaxing and peaceful. And his yard is unique. How many people do you know that have a tricycle track in their backyard? And he put in a fire pit before they became all the rage.
He is funny! My dad loves to tell a joke, sometimes the same one multiple times! And he is always quick with a good comeback.
He hates being called this, but he is a spiritual giant. My Dad loves the gospel, and he lives it. It doesn't matter where he is or who he is with, he is always true to his beliefs.
He is humble. He has never presumed to be better than another.
He loves being a grandpa and he is a cute grandpa. He laughs at all the funny little things they do. He flips them over his knee and does “ride a little pony”. And he does all that he can to make them happy, such as making his backyard a dream play land, going to Landon’s school for grandparents day, and leaving work to take Ben to preschool when Aaron & Monica couldn’t.
He is my friend. I know that I can completely count on and trust my Dad. I love to talk to him and get his advice on anything from when to transplant shrubs, to when to use I vs. me in a sentence.
He is friendly. You know those awkward moments when you see someone you know at the grocery store, someone who you maybe haven’t seen in a few years, someone who you don’t really know all that well, someone from high school, or someone you met through a mutual friend. Usually you avoid eye contact or hurry down a different isle (or is this just me?) Anyway, not my Dad. If he thinks he knows someone, he says hello. He also always makes it a point to say hello to everyone when we have family gatherings – even down to little Maya and Trent.
He loves my mom. He has always treated her with love and respect. I have never heard my Dad say something negative about my mom.
He can make one killer omelette. I never order omelettes from restaurants because I know they would never compare to my Dad’s.
Happy Birthday Dad!