Monday, August 27, 2012

Where Did All The Time Go?

I know its sounds cliche, but I don't know where all the time went.  It's really hard to believe that it has been five months since my baby was born.  Life went into super speed mode on the day Chase was born.  I feel like I'm living in a whirl wind.  Some days I am barely keeping my head above water.  I take one step forward and two steps back.  Are you catching my drift?  Yep, life is busy with four kids.  And yet, life is good.  All of my kids are healthy and happy (most of the time) and we have much to be thankful for.

I only feel bad about the fact that I haven't recorded the life of Chase like I did with his older siblings.  And so I'm giving you a very brief update of his life thus far.  From day one, Chase has been my easiest baby.  He is content and sweet.  He hardly cries or complains.  He sleeps well and eats well.  All is all, he has been a bit of heaven in our home.

Chase has hit several milestones.  He smiled for us at 5 weeks.  He laughed just shy of 3 months.  He found  his feet on July 29th.  I love, love, love it when babies find their feet.  It's one of my favorite milestones.  It is just adorable.


He put his binki in all by himself on August 5th.  He tried his first taste of something other than breast milk on August 8th.

He rolled over from his back to his stomach on August 8th.  Being on his stomach sometimes makes him uncharacteristically mad and we are hoping he figures out how to roll back onto his back soon.
His latest milestone was that he reached for me on August 23rd.  It was the cutest thing!  Brian was holding him and he completely leaned forward and put his arms out.  LOVED that!

We have many more milestone to look forward to, but first lets take a quick walk through memory lane - aka, the last five months.



At Chase's two month appointment, Chase weighed in at 12.6 lbs and was 22.5 inches.



At four months, Chase weighed in at 15.1 lbs. and 24.5 inches.  During his appointment, the pediatrician was going over all the things that four-month-olds typically do and when he said, "Does he reach for toys that are hanging down over him?", I immediately said, "Yes."  I was too embarrassed to say that I didn't/hadn't given him that opportunity.  Maybe I was trying to keep him little, maybe I was too busy to think about it, or maybe he didn't spend enough time on the floor to warrant any toys. Regardless, I went home that night and put him to the test and he passed with flying colors!  Bad mom moment for me.

I really can't convey how much I love this boy of mine.  He really is the sweetest, cutest baby.  I think he may think his name is "handsome" because that is how I refer to him 90% of the time.  I adore him.    


Sandi said...

Thanks Jamie for the timeline! We haven't seen much of Chase so it is really nice to see this.

Marilyn said...

Oh he's so totally cute! We love him to pieces!!

Princess said...

I love the fact that he is so fat ha ha ha- He is the cutest thing ever and it makes me sad sometimes that I am not there to kiss all over his cute little face. Hopefully I will be home soon and we can do some baby comparisons! Love you