Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Identity Crisis

Fridays are my cleaning day. The whole house gets an overhaul, including new sheets on the beds. Generally I stay in my pajamas on those days because, really, what's the point in getting dressed to scrub toilets? Last Friday I took a break from cleaning to take Ashlyn to school. I was wearing my gray fleece bottoms, a gray t-shirt, and tennis shoes. Just before we headed out the door, Ashlyn looked at me at said, "Mom, maybe you should wear something a little more pretty. It kind of looks like you are just wearing pajamas." Apparently I have started embarrassing my kindergartener.

You know, when you're 7 1/2 months pregnant, it's easy to feel 'blah' about your appearance. Swollen ankles, 30+ pound weight gain, stretch marks, break-outs, etc. Half the time I don't feel like getting ready for the day, and the other half I'm too busy to put much effort into my appearance. Needless to say, it doesn't really help when a five-year-old tells you to put on "something a little more pretty." In all seriousness, I took no offense to her comment. It made me laugh.

But then today Trent very casually asked, "Mom are you a woman or a man?"

Now I'm starting to get a complex...

Maybe I should start putting make-up on more than once or twice a week.


Lindsay said...

Haha!!! That is too funny. I feel like that most of the time, and I'm not pregnant. Haha! Kids are just too funny! I hope all is going well with your pregnancy!

All About M.E.('s) said...

Hee hee! Funny kids!

Ashley Rae said...

LOL... that is awesome. Kids are hilarious.

Princess said...

That cracks me up! You are all woman Jamie- Don't let them tell you your not! Sweat pants CAN be pretty with the right accessories!

Marilyn said...

So very funny! Too bad you learned from me to clean on Fridays and stay in your grubbies all day until the work is done. :(

Love your kids and the cute things they say!

Heather said...

:) That is so funny!