Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I Love My Kids

And I'll say it again, I love my kids. They are the best. Here's proof...

Ash Belle. This girl continues to make me laugh. Unfortunately, I'm not as good anymore about writing down and recording the funny things she says. And right now I am drawing a blank. But, she is definitely a light in our home. She has been reminding me lately that I really need to teach her how to do all the important things, like cooking, cleaning, and laundry so that she will know how to do those things when she is a mom someday.

Trenters. Oh this boy melts my heart. He is such a good boy. When it comes to his mama, this boy gives the best hugs and kisses. He is super sweet and loves to cuddle. When it comes to his dad, it is all rough and tumble, wrestling matches, and teasing. In case you didn't know, Brian likes to tease. He likes to push buttons and stir the pot. And his kids are not exempt from this. However, Trent has come up with a way to retaliate. He calls him names. Not just any names, but names that he has personally made up to be like a knife through the heart - "toot hog" and "baby biddle butt."

Baby Luke. Yes, that is what we call him. And he will hold that title and will be still my baby for roughly eight more weeks, give or take. He is at an awesome age. Everything he does is cute. Well, almost everything. Screaming in the middle of sacrament meeting - I could do without that one. Anyway, he is just adorable. Especially when he folds his arms to say prayers:

Kid Smiley #4. We have held to our resolve and have not told a soul what we are having. Well, I take that back. I have told two people - my eye doctor and the phlebotomist who last took my blood to test my glucose levels. Anyhow, I am thoroughly enjoying feeling my baby move. It is truly a miracle and like nothing else in this world. It is at this point in my pregnancies that I tend to forget how awful that first trimester was. Feeling and seeing the movements in my belly is one of the great joys of motherhood.

Life is good. Scratch that. Life is great.


Princess said...

Ashlyn looks so grown up in that picture! Crazy.... I love your kids too :)

All About M.E.('s) said...

Yep, they are pretty lovable--even that mysterious Smiley kid #4!