Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Well, so much for blogging more often. To my defense, I was without internet services for two weeks. But so much has happened in the past month, that I have some serious catching up to do. As far as the rain goes, no, I do not wish it to go away. I love rainy days, always have. The problem is, I am extremely lazy on rainy days. I don't want to go anywhere or do anything. I just want to curl up on the couch with a blanket and a good book, or a laptop. I have accomplished nothing so far today, other than catching up on the blogging world. I think I could not live in Seattle because I would become a bum.

Yes, we moved. About two and a half weeks ago. I was determined when we started the project that we would not move until absolutely everything was done. Not one thing was to be left on the "to-do" list. Yeah, that didn't happen. There is still a "to-do" list. Probably always will be. That is the joy of home ownership. But we are in fact living here and we love it.

In case you are wondering, I am 35.5 weeks pregnant. I can't/don't sleep. I am popping Zantac and Tums like crazy. My hips ache all the time. Braxton hicks are in full force. I have NO idea if we are having a boy or a girl. Names have not been determined. All baby items are still in boxes. Said boxes are somewhere amongst the pile in our basement. Ashlyn and Trent love touching my belly and giving the baby hugs and kisses. Ashlyn is still 100% certain that the baby is a girl. She told Brian that she will be "really mad at Mommy" if the baby is a boy. Trent adores his two baby cousins which has greatly eased my concerns about how he will adjust to the new baby. This baby is a mover, which may be the saving grace of this pregnancy. There is nothing that can compare to feeling those fetal movements. What a miracle.

Today Ashlyn said she thought I was a monster. Trent said he thought I was a witch. I'm not thrilled with either assumption.

And that is enough rambling for one day.


Lindsay said...

I'm so glad you guys are doing well! Can't wait to meet the new member of the Smiley family! So fun. Hope everything goes okay with the transition and the move...good luck!

Ashley Rae said...

Ok, I love the brutal honesty of this post. Thank you.

And yes, home ownership ALWAYS comes with a to-do list, and it really never goes away, unfortunately...

And wow- less than 5 weeks to go! That is great! That was my most favorite part about being pregnant- feeling the little baby kick and move around. How incredible. Good luck!!

Zachary said...

Why on Earth would they say you are a Monster or Witch? What the He** are they talking about?

Glad you got the move over...thanks a lot for calling me to help. I am so glad I could be of service :)

Love you guys! Good luck with the last few weeks!

The Simmons Family said...

Thanks for the update!! I'm excited for you to be done with this pregnancy and to be settled into your new home. Enjoy the lazy rainy days.. it'll be hot and you'll be busy with three kiddos soon enough!

I wish Owen called me a witch so that I knew he could actually speak english and not just his usual Owen language. :)

whitney said...

You're almost done being preggers! That's so, so exciting! I can't wait to find out it's name and gender (not as much as y'all, though, I'm sure ;). Sounds like you have have just been busy, busy. Oh,a my children regularly call me a monster, so I feel your pain on that one :P

Crazy Lifferths said...

Well I think that you are just fabulous! However, I DO think that Ashlynn is probably the funniest little girl I know!

Erica said...

Yay for moving! Boo for feeling crappy. Can't wait to find out what you are having. You have such cute kids with cute personalities! I love rainy days too.

Princess said...

I only like rainy days maybe 2 times a year, other than that they depress me. I am so glad you are finally in the house even though there is still a lot more to do. I can't wait to see the pics! Miss you guys!

The Wright's said...

A monster AND a witch? In the same day? Classic. That's hysterical! Only a few more weeks till I get to hug that baby! I could do it now, but I doubt you would appreciate it!
Love you!

Monica Lifferth said...

Good to see you blogging again. I missed your posts. Yay for being in your house! Finally. It is a beautiful home. And oh well on the to do list. A husband always needs a honey do list. What else would they do with their time?