No, we did not find out the sex of the baby. Never have, never will.
Yes, Ashlyn is 100% certain, without a doubt, that the baby is a girl.
No, we haven't decided on any names.
Yes, Ashlyn has decided on a name for us, "Marshmallow Heart"- inspired by these:
No, I don't think we are going to go with that choice...maybe if we lived in Hollywood.
Yes, we showed the ultrasound pictures to our kids. Ashlyn's response? "She is so ugly!" "Is she going to be black and white?"
Yes, the baby is healthy, and that is all that really matters.
did you... oh wait...
are you going... oh....
is the...?
you took all the good questions
Mark forgot the most important question:
Where the heck can I find some Marshmallow Peeps???
That is hilarious - Ashlyn made me laugh out loud! I'm so happy your little one is healthy! He/She looks darling already! I hope everything is going well with your pregnancy!
I'm gonna go with Ashbelle on this... Marshmellow Hearts Smiley sounds good to me. What did Trent think?
oh. my. gosh. Ashlyn is SO hysterical. I am laughing out loud in my office... I am glad you are writing these things down and sharing them with the rest of us. lol...
Oh- and I'm glad the baby is healthy!!
Sandy, I don't think Trent really understands yet what is going to happen in four months. He will pat my belly and give the baby "hugs", but I'm not sure how he is going to react when it is born. And when we showed him the ultrasound picture, he was pretty uninterested.
Wow! Only four more months? CrAzy!!You just might end up w/ a black and white baby (black hair, white body!!! ) Ashlyn is cute-I can't wait to see you guys at the retreat!!
Hysterical. Ashlyn cracks me up! I'm so excited for you guys!
Oh I love Ashlyn stories. They are always good for a laugh. Glad that the baby is healthy!
CONGRATS on a Healthy Baby!! Ashlyn cracks me up too.
Ashlyn cracks me up, that kid. I am so glad that you record some of her cute comments on the blog. It's easy to forget what they say. I am glad the baby is healthy.
I have a question: be honest. Did you TRY to figure out the sex based on the ultrasound photos? Not that I could figure that out - but you might, you are smart.
Congrats. It's always exciting!
Sorry Jen, I didn't. I really, truly, honestly do not want to know until that baby is born! I told the tech to not even go "down there," and she didn't!
I love sonogram pictures! Congrats...& I think it's rad that you wait to find out.
If the baby IS born black and white, we may be able to sue the Marshmellow Peeps Company. What happened to Annie?
Yay for babies! So glad that she is healthy, or he. :o) I'm craving Marshmallow Peeps now...THANKS!
you could shorten marshmellow heart to just heart...or mellow...or marsh...
Oh gosh how cute is that! Glad to know baby and mommy are doing well. HUGS.
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