Sunday, January 31, 2010

Gravity Slashers

Brian had a birthday earlier this month (Happy Belated Birthday Bri - I love ya!), and my brothers gave him tickets to an upcoming Motocross competition, aka Gravity Slashers. We made a night of it by first taking the kiddos to dinner at the Spaghetti Factory and then we headed to the Energy Solutions Arena.

I think the most entertaining part of the night was watching Trent "head bang" to the beat of the (very loud) music. I haven't ever seen him do it, probably because I don't normally listen to heavy metal :o) We got a kick out of it and so did the folks in the row behind us, and I really wish I had been able to capture it on video. Sorry, no video recorders allowed. But, Brian did snap a few photos of the daredevils on their bikes (and one on a snow mobile) and their crazy stunts.

It was fun to watch, but I couldn't help but wonder what their mothers think of their career choice. I really hope Trent doesn't go down that path!


rsheedy said...

Cool! I agree with you though; I always wonder how it would be to have someone you love do that for a living. I would need some serious Xanax!! Glad you guys got to go; sounds like fun. You'll have to play some heavy rock just to get a video of Trent...I wanna see! Oh, and Happy Birthday Brian!

Renee said...

That would be so fun to long as it's not my kiddo. I'd surely have a heart attack! :)

I don't mind them jumping off the couches...big ramps on dirtbikes, no thanks!

Lindsay said...

Wow, those were some amazing shots! Sounds like a fun night! Thanks for your comment...I'll definitely have to keep the veggies on the menu. I swear he's been living on chips for the past week and I can't force anything else in him. But I'll keep trying! Thanks for the motivation! You are awesome!

Ashley Rae said...

Sounds like Trent is going to be into the heavy metal music. Haha.

I've never been to one of those, but they look like fun!! I definitely would not want to do that for a living, but it's fine with me if someone else wants to risk their life for our entertainment. lol.

Zachary said...

Wow! Happy Birthday Brian!

Princess said...

I LOVE Motocross, I am so jealous! What a fun time! Trent head banging sounds hilarious, that is my kind of kid! Miss you guys!

The Wright's said...

I have always wanted to go to a motocross. Apparently I need to read the events website more often! Glad you had fun!