Monday, January 11, 2010

A Good Read

I finished "Henry" tonight and had a good cry. The final chapter brought back a flood of memories. After finishing, I wished I could have given my Grandpa a call to have a good long talk about his life, his inventions, his unwavering faith. There are so many things I would talk to him about, so many questions I'd ask, so many things I'd say. He was a such an interesting/colorful person and he chose a very fascinating lifestyle, a hard lifestyle. But for me, I only saw my Grandpa as a happy, fun-loving person who always had a smile on his face and who laughed often.

I knew "Henry" had a hard life and I grew up listening to stories of my Dad's childhood. But even though they struggled financially, my Dad's recollections always had a positive spin and he told his stories as we sat around the dinner table with a smile on his face. I guess I didn't really understand (and I probably will never fully understand) how hard my Grandpa's life was until I read this book. And knowing more fully all that he went through, I am even more amazed that I only knew my grandpa as a happy guy.

When I was 14, I had the lucky opportunity to spend a month with my grandparents in Montana. I didn't get to spend a lot of one-on-one time with Grandpa but I do have many fond memories of that summer and of him. The only time I spent in his shop was when he took me down there to "cut out" a sliver in my hand - I still have a small scar on my palm. I also experienced a little "blood shed" playing the hand-slap game with him when one of his finger nails cut the top of my hand. Good times.

Even though my Grandpa, by modern standards, lived in poverty for the majority of his life and did not have success in business, he was successful in so many other ways. He left a great legacy and I am so proud to be a member of the Lifferth family.

I have told Brian many times that I wish he could have met him. They could have talked "guns", and Grandpa probably would have gotten a kick out of the fact that Brian shot himself in the knee!

I am so very excited for others to read "Henry" and I highly recommend it. Two thumbs up! Five stars! Way to go Dad, you are amazing. Thank you for your years of research and writing to preserve the life and memory of this very unique man. I miss him.


rsheedy said...

Oh, I can't wait to read this! I can't believe the unreal amount of work that must have gone into putting this together, and your dad is and always will be one of my greatest heroes. Partly for writing this book, but for many other reasons as well.

I too wish my husband could have met Grandpa. They have so much in common! I have nothing but the fondest memories of him, and I had no inkling that he struggled with anything. To me, he was the perfect Grandpa and I would give anything to get just one more bear hug.

Melissa said...

I remember your dad reading us some of the stories from the book he wrote some time back. I thought they were great. What a tremendous idea to write this new book. That will be an incalculable contribution to the family.

Zachary said...

I am so jealous! I am looking forward to also reading the book. He really was a great man...and we are all better people because of him.

Lindsay said...

That's so neat, what a treasure to have. And I would LOVE to take pictures or your darling baby! You just give me a call anytime!

The Carter Family: said...

I can't wait to read it either! I told my mom that I get it AS SOON as she is done! Your dad is AMAZING to put so much time and effort into it and I know we are all going to treasure it!!

Ashley Rae said...

That is amazing... what a cool book to have, filled with all of those memories. Your family will cherish that forever.

All About M.E.('s) said...

Very nice post! I have wished many times that Marty was around to meet Grandpa and to visit Montana with us. Someday all of our spouses will get the opportunity to meet him.
I have been reading non-stop since Monday. My kids are suffering, but I can't put it down. I do give them the essentials, like food and water. But, today they were in their jammies until about 10 minutes ago, 12:30. Mailey, however, has been held for 3 days non-stop, so she is in heaven. The other two will survive. I'll be done in a couple of days ;)

Heather said...

That is really awesome. What a treasure your Dad has written. I think if your baby is a boy, you should name him "Henry"! or Bob! The men in your family are great men.

Renee said...

What a treasure!! I do a lot of Family History on my side of the family (being the only lds member) & nothing saddens me more is the lack of information. I have all these family members...but I don't know anything about them or what their life was like. It is why I try to keep a journal myself.

So, is this a book made just for your family?

The Wright's said...

I too am excited to read the book. You are right - I have the same memories of my Grandpa. He was always laughing.

Gretch said...

YEAH! I can't wait to read it.