Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I'm It...But You're Next!

My sister Mindy tagged me. So, here are some facts about Brian and myself...

  • How long have you been together? Well, we met in high school. But I guess I wouldn't start counting until after he got home from his mission in May '99, so that makes 8 1/2 years.
  • How long did you date? 2 years
  • How old is he? Brian turns the big 30 in January. He is 17 months older than me, but not wiser ;)
  • Who eats more? Usually Brian. Usually, because I think I out ate him during my pregnancy with Trent.
  • Who said I love you first? Good question. I think it must have been Brian. Is it terrible that I can't remember?
  • Who is taller? Bri
  • Who sings better? Neither one. Ashlyn is better than the two of us combined!
  • Who is smarter? Since Brian is a college grad, I'll give him that one :)
  • Who does the laundry? Me. Brian makes me nervous when he does the laundry. I've had quite a few things shrink and change color when he has done the laundry in the past.
  • Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Brian
  • Who pays the bills? We do it together. We have bimonthly budgeting sessions. It works out really well for us. We both know where our money stands. We figure out how to pay off bills quickly. We don't hide any purchases from one another. We stay out of debt. And most importantly, we never fight over money.
  • Who mows the lawn? That is a definite Brian. I hate to admit that I have never once mowed a lawn. Wait, I don't think I have ever even started a lawn mower! No wait, I haven't ever touched a lawn mower!! Brian thinks it's pathetic.
  • Who cooks dinner? Me. But Brian is always willing to help with whatever I ask him to do. And of course, he owns and operates the grill.
  • Who drives when you are together? Brian, but I am a really good back seat driver!
  • Who is more stubborn? I say Brian, he says me... Who do you think is going to win that one?!
  • Who kissed who first? Brian kissed me on my parents front porch.
  • Who asked who out? Brian asked me.
  • Who proposed? Brian did. Twice. That is a whole other story!
  • Who is more sensitive? Me, hands down. I have seen Brian cry, but probably only a total of five times. He has probably seen me cry 100+ times.
  • Who has more friends? Mi casa es su casa.
  • Who has more siblings? Me. I've got him beat by two.
  • Who wears the pants in the family? I think we are a pretty good team. I'd say it's a 50/50.
Okay, there you go Mindy. Thanks for the tag. Now, I'll tag my cousins Jen and Mark, and my good friends Emily and Jamie. Can't wait to see what ya'll have to say!


Crazy Lifferths said...

I was busting up on what you said about the lawn mower. That is EXACTLY me. When Scott and I met he was SHOCKED I didn't know how to mow a lawn, and even more shocked when I told him I had never even started a lawn mower!! This summer I finally started one and used it...yea I know I shocked the socks right off of Scott!! If my neighbors were watching I am sure that they got a hoot out of me attemping over and over to start it. See ya later!!

Princess said...

Apparently your parents front porch is a happenin place! Nice facts to know!

Sandi said...

It's nice to learn more about you and Brian. It sounds as if you have it all together. You are both good for each other.

Anonymous said...

Jamie wears the pants!!!


(she made me say this) :-)

Anonymous said...

yeah, that makes at least two first kisses on the front porch for your family.

Hello! said...

So do I not get tagged because I'm not married? *sniff sniff*

rsheedy said...

You and Brian are so cute. I can't believe you've been together that long...time flies, doesn't it?!