Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Shout Out To Trent

I still have so much to catch up on and my last post was all about Trent, but he deserves another round of praise since today was his 5th birthday.  It was a fairly simple day - we had crepes for breakfast at Trent's request and then opened presents.  We broke down and got him a wii and it was definitely the highlight of his day.  Trent loves video games.  And when I say loves, I mean LOVES them.  Brian and I have put off buying a gaming system for a long time (for fear of addictions), but we knew Trent would be over the moon excited, so we buckled.  There will be all sorts of not-until-after-you-have-done-your-homework-and-chores restrictions involved, but for today I let him be a super mario bros junkie and play as long as his little heart desired. 

Tonight we celebrated with dinner at Spaghetti Factory (it really is the only restaurant we risk taking our kids to) and then Baskin Robbins ice cream cake.  He gets two birthday parties this year - a family party on Friday night and his first ever friend party on Saturday. Combine the upcoming parties with yesterdays birthday celebration at preschool and today's festivities, and this lucky boy gets a whole weeks worth of celebrations.  He deserves it :o)

What can I say that I haven't said before?  Trent is awesome.  I feel so lucky to have him.  He has been a joy to raise.  He is sweet and sensitive and yet a rough-tough, all-boy kind of kid at the same time. I love how happy he is when he wakes up every morning.  This kid hasn't woken up on the wrong side of the bed even one time in five years.  He is a peacemaker and generally lets Ashlyn have her way.  He wants other people to be happy and he makes me happy every day.  I wouldn't trade him for the world.  Happy Birthday buddy!


Princess said...

I love that kid too. Happy Birthday little buddy :)

Marilyn said...

Great post about Trent. He's awesome and a wonderful grandson! Grandpa and I love him very much!!