Monday, October 25, 2010

Four Months

Little Luke is four months old and he's really not so little anymore. He has grown so much lately and it seems like he is much bigger than my other two were at his age - at least my arms feel that way. So, I did a little research and here is what I found:

Ashlyn @ four months -
weight: 13 lbs 4 oz
length: 24 3/4 inches

Trent @ four months -
weight: 15 lbs 4 oz
length: 24 1/4 inches

Luke @ four months -
weight: 15 lbs 12 oz
length: 24 inches

In short, Ashlyn had the most length at four months, but Luke has the most weight. He beat out Trent by a mere 8 ounces. And considering the fact that Luke was almost a whole pound bigger than Trent at birth, I'd say they are pretty equal. It will be interesting (for me anyway!) to continue to compare their growth and see where they both end up. Brian's fear is that our boys will get my height and his build, resulting in what he refers to as a "manlet".

Now, back to Luke. Here are a few facts about our growing baby -
  • He really is a sweet baby, although Brian would disagree. He continues to be an extreme mama's boy, but does seem to be warming up to his dad more and more. I keep telling Brian that it's all in his attitude and that Luke can sense it!
  • He has a great smile and it just melts my heart. And have I mentioned his laugh? It is infectious. But I guess all baby's laughs are that way.
  • His good sleeping habits have abruptly ended, much to my dismay. He has, for the past week and a half, decided that instead of getting up once a night, he needs to get up three or four. I was told that a lot of babies have increased awake times at four months, and I am just hoping that he reverts back to his old ways soon!
  • Even though he wakes up a lot at night, I have to give him props for going to sleep so easily. All I have to do to put him down for naps or at night is just wrap him up and lay him down. And he doesn't make a peep until he awakes. A breeze!
  • He continues to get lots and lots of love from his two older siblings. Ashlyn now likes to carry him around, which must be carefully monitored!
  • He is a pro at spitting up. I never went through as many burp cloths with my other two as I do with Luke. All the burp cloths I was given when Ashlyn and Trent were born have come in handy!
  • He must be held at all times! If I lay him down or put him in the bumbo, he is only content for a few minutes - a half an hour at the most! And since I am a push over, I will inevitably pick him up and snuggle him and he is content once more.
  • If he can get a hold of your cheek, he will plant a big, wet, open-mouthed kiss all over it.
  • He continues to be a wonderful, irreplaceable addition to our family.
And now for a little photo comparison:

Ashlyn (Oh, I do miss those bows and bracelets!)
When I did a photo comparison at two weeks, I thought Luke looked more like Trent. But now, I definitely see Ashlyn. Although I still think he has Trent's mouth. Regardless, he is adorable!


rsheedy said...

Oh he is so precious! I love those big wide-mouthed baby kisses...they are the best!

Jamie said...

Cute boy Jame!

Princess said...

Aww he sounds like such a sweetie and I can't WAIT to spend time with him over Thanksgiving! I definitely want one of those messy kisses! As for Brian, it IS all in the attitude and Brian is just mean lol.

The Wright's said...

You know, all your kids come from the same mold! All adorable and all kissable. Four months? Geesh - can't you figure out a way to slow time down?? Love you and Love your family.

Lindsay said...

SO cute! Trent hasn't changed a bit!

Monica Lifferth said...

Awww, he melts my heart. I love that first pic with his cute lil eye brows up. He's a doll and I miss him. Can't wait to hold him again.

Marilyn said...

He's a cutie and definitely looks more like Ashbelle. They are all adorable!
Love, Grandmom