Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Three Months & Stuff

Luke is three months old today. I know I should follow that phrase with, "I can't believe it has already been three months." But, instead I am saying, it's only been three months?! It was such a busy summer and so many things happened, that it makes Luke's birth seems like a long and distant memory.

Luke is such a good baby and I never hesitate to say that when asked how he's doing. I am 100% in love with my little guy.

Just look at that face. How could you not love a face like that? Of course, he is not always so content. He does pack a powerful punch, I mean scream, when he feels like it.

He loves to suck on his hands, particularly his thumb if he can get a hold of it. I fear I may have my first thumb sucking baby.

He is a mama's boy - big time. Don't get me wrong, he loves Dad too, he just doesn't know it yet. For now, he only tolerates his Dad in small doses...very small doses.

He has added so much to our little family in his three short (but very long) months on earth, and has earned a big, soft spot in my heart.

In other Smiley news, fall is in the air. The days are getting shorter, the air conditioner is rarely turned on, the leaves in the canyons are beginning to change color, and school has begun - for me. I am back at it again this semester, but not at SLCC. I decided it is about time I finish up my art degree, so I am back at the U of U. I feel inadequate and out of touch with my skills, but am so excited at the prospect of graduating in the spring! And yes, I will be throwing myself a big ol' partay when I'm done. Taking ten years to earn a degree definitely deserves a party.

Since fall is in the air, we spent one final day at the splash park.

We have gone to a splash park every week this summer and have had oh so much fun. Lots of good memories there, like the time a bee pooped on Mindy's beach bag. Or the time Mindy "lost" her keys. Come to think of it, the splash park wouldn't have been near as exciting without the Eyres.

In all seriousness, the splash park provided more than just water fun for the kids. More importantly, much time was spent relaxing and conversing with good friends and family. What could be better? If you didn't join us this year, there is always next summer!

And now that fall is here, so is football season. Go UTES!!


Lindsay said...

Such cute pictures - you guys have the greatest little family! Can't wait to see you all soon! Good luck with school this semester too! Go Utes!

Hello! said...

what!! i am so proud of you for going back to finish your degree!!!

Ashley Rae said...

Love it! He is such a handsome boy. No surprise, though- you make cute kids. haha.

Good luck during your last stretch of school!!

All About M.E.('s) said...

It really does seem like forever ago that Luke was born. Nutty. He is such a handsome and fun baby. I'm glad that he likes me for the most part because I really like him!
It was a crazy summer, wasn't it! But, a fun one. We had lots of fun at the splash park with you guys. Who knew that bees poop?
Oh, and my keys were lost. I had no idea where they were!

Smiley Family said...

I guess I should have said, "the time Reagan 'stole' Mindy's keys!" Haha!!

Zachary said...

Wow! How did you get the picture of Trent on the field? That is awesome!

Princess said...

Luke doesn't like Brian because he is too rough with him!!!! Lol I can't believe how big he is getting and I can't wait to see him! Great pic's at the splash park and what great memories! Miss you guys!

Monica Lifferth said...

That smile melts my heart. Oh I love Lukey Pookey. Can't wait to hold him. :)

The Simmons Family said...

Ah.. I wish fall was in the air in Phoenix. It's SO hot still.

Love all the pictures and congrats on finishing up your degree in the spring! That's awesome!

The Wright's said...

Isn't it amazing how fast time goes, but yet how it doesn't. As my brother always says, 'The days are long, but the weeks are short."

Love the update!

whitney said...

Ahhh, they're all so big and adorable! Thank heavens for good babies...especially when they're your third!