Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What If?

Every once in awhile I ask myself a "what if" question. I am sure most people do this, or do they? And it's not that I am wishing my life were different in any way, it just out of curiosity. What if my parents didn't move from West Valley to South Jordan? What if I had won, instead of sorely lost, in the student body election? What if I had moved away for my college years? What if I hadn't taken that one job? What if Brian and I hadn't waited for 5 years to have kids? You get the point. My life today is a result of many forks in the road. The path that I chose to follow or was lead to, has gotten me to this point. And my life is good. Sure I have ups and downs, good days and bad days, times of pure stress (like right now) and times of pure joy. But overall, I really can't complain. And then again, I can't help but wonder from time to time how my life would be different if I had taken a different path.

I have a reoccurring dream. It happens randomly. I have been unable to make a connection as to why I have it, when I have it. It probably happens 4-8 times per year. The people who are in it and the circumstances are always different, but the message I get from it is always the same: Life is NOT greener on the other side! In every dream, my life is different from my actual reality. I am never married to Brian, although sometimes he is lurking in the background. Sometimes I am married to some random person from my past, like an old peer or co-worker, and sometimes I am married to a complete stranger. And then sometimes I am not married at all. Sometimes I am living in Utah and sometimes I am living elsewhere, like New York. And here is the kicker, I am never happy. Ever. In my dream, I always feel as though something is missing. There is a void. I am not satisfied with life or with my marriage, and I long for things to be different. I should also mention that in my dream I know that my life is suppose to be different. That I had messed up and had not gone down the right path.

I had my dream again last night. I was married to a guy I went to high school with. Nice kid. We were in the process of moving out of the state. Something was not right. I wanted my "real life" back. So, this morning I woke up and was once again reminded that my life is good and just exactly the way it should be.


Zachary said...

Thank you for sharing that...it IS good to be reminded once in a while that life isn't greener on the other side.

rsheedy said...

How interesting. I haven't really thought too much about how different my life could have been, but it sure is thought-provoking. When it comes down to it, I'm so gosh darn happy that it scares me to think I could have missed out.

Lindsay said...

Wow, that's crazy. Aren't dreams bizarre? I had a dream last night that I was pregnant with a snake. Honestly? Crazy. But I totally think they mean something sometimes!

Jamie said...

Very interesting - I often catch myself thinking what if, but then I wouldn't be who I am today. Life is crazy, but I am a firm beliver of life is what you make and it's usually not greener on the other side.

Princess said...

I agree, you take what you are given (or choose) in life and then you make it what it is. I always think about how different my life would be if I had made different choices and I am always glad that I didnt because I don't think I would have been happy. Thanks for the deep thoughts!

Melissa said...

I meant to comment on this post earlier. I've thought this before, but reading this really reminded me how odd life is that way.

I've wondered a lot about how my life could've been different, but--all things considered--I feel pretty good about the way things are turning out.

Ashley Rae said...

That is such a good reminder. How awesome that you have those dreams. Mine are generally opposite ;) Haha

No, I'm the same way- I think everybody thinks that on occasion. Just one small decision can effect the rest of your life drastically. It really makes you stop and think...

You do have a great family! You deserve them!

whitney said...

I've had similar type dreams before and it's always a wake-up call to just how grateful I should be for what I have. Thanks for the reminder :)