Monday, November 24, 2008

Following Suit

So, I'm gonna go ahead and join the "private" bandwagon. I have actually thought about it a lot. And it's not necessarily that I think some creepy guy is going to stalk my blog and cause harm to my family. It's that I don't like the idea of people from my past who I have no contact with anymore, keeping up with my life through my blog and not knowing it. And no, I don't think I (or my blog) is so popular that there are a bunch of people out there keeping up with my comings and goings. But, you never know. I would just hate to run into someone from high school or an old co-worker, someone who I haven't seen or talked to in years, and have them begin to tell me all about my life. So, I am just going to put a stop to that possibility. If you happen to be one of "those" people, now is your chance to come clean and let me know. I really don't mind if people are looking at my blog, I just want to know who is. Plus, putting a stop to any potential creepy stalkers is a good thing too.

So, there you go. I will be going private on December 20th. Leave me a comment with your email (comments will, of course, be blocked), or email me @ Have a great day :)

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