Sunday, November 23, 2008


Ashlyn was born with quite the personality. Seriously. She is such a smart and funny girl, and she constantly keeps us laughing. Here are a few things she has said and done in the past few months:

One day I told Ashlyn that her cousin Madi was coming over the next day. Ashlyn was thrilled with the news and replied, "Oh! Madi is my very favorite friend. She is soooo strong."

After a long day of working in the yard, Brian came inside and said, "Man, I am sore!" To which Ashlyn responded, "You not sore Daddy, you just havin' a bad day."

Ashlyn loves movies, and she is always doing and saying things that she has picked up from her favorite flicks. A couple examples:
  • One day, I noticed that the back of Ashlyn's neck and shirt was all wet and brown - chocolate milk. Huh? How did it get back there? Later, I saw her take her sippy cup, take a drink and then she shook out a few drops in one hand and proceeded to rub it all over the back of her neck. Well, that's weird. And then it dawned on me - she picked up the habit from Spirit. There is a scene in the movie where the Army general takes a swig from his canteen, then dumps some water in his hand and rubs the back of his neck. It is amazing what kids will notice and mimic.
  • Driving in the car one day, Ashlyn is pretty quite and then asks, "Daddy, are you my conscience?" (Finding Nemo)

Ashlyn, being a typical kid, loves cereal. The other day as Brian was pouring her a bowl, he had apparently given her too much. She exclaimed, "WHOA! Easy man!"

Ashlyn loves to call her daddy when he is at work. One day, when she was on the phone with her dad, he asked her what she was doing and she replied, "Just hangin' with mommy."

After running some errands one afternoon, we arrived home and Ashlyn was quite tired and kept insisting that I carry her up the stairs, because, "It's too hard for me."

When Ashlyn noticed Trent crawling towards her room one day, she panicked, ran past him and slammed the door shut. When I asked why he couldn't go into her room she said, "Because he's dangerous!"

And my personal favorite - Up until now, I havn't been too private with my kids. Well, that has changed. When I got out of the shower the other day, Ashlyn came into the bathroom and gave me quizzical look, cocked her head to the side, paused for a moment, and then said, "You are...interesting." Okay then!

Sometimes it's hard to believe she is only 2 1/2. I love my girl!


rsheedy said...

Those are some's good that you have them recorded. They definitely deserve a place in her life story. She is such a cutie!!

Ashley Rae said...

LOL my favorite was the WHOAH! Easy man! She sounds like a hysterical kid. I LOVE the things kids say...

Jamie said...

She is too stinkin' cute! Never a dull moment!!!

Monica Lifferth said...

Awww. Those are the things I miss being a working mom. I'm glad you are able to stay home with them. Ash is a hoot!

The Lund Five said...

We love Ashbelle! It is good that you wrote those things down. Sometimes if you don't it is so easy to forget. I need to be better at stuff like that with my kids.

whitney said...

All of those are so great! I especially loved the chocolate milk down the back-lol!

All About M.E.('s) said...

She is definitely a charater. Gotta love her.

The Carter Family: said...

Soooo funny! I LOVE to hear the things that kids say, they definitely keep us young by all the laughing we do when we are w/ them!

Princess said...

I have never once thought of Trent as being dangerous! That cracked me up! I love her to death! Thanks for the laughs, and you ARE interesting, never forget that!

Zachary said...

Those are hilarious! Ashlyn is such an adorable little girl! I love the stories!

The Wright's said...

Lol -

Interesting...that's a good one. I adore this girl. She's funny - like her mother and father.

Lindsay said...

Oh my goodness, she is hilarious! You have the cutest kids ever!