Tuesday, September 15, 2009


A few minutes before my human physiology lab began tonight, a fellow peer walked in and asked if anyone in the room had a lighter, because "I really need a smoke before class starts." Sorry, I can't help you there. In fact, nobody in the room was able to come to her aide. She then proceeded to pace around the room, her eyes searching for something, anything to fix her dilemma.

In walks the teacher.
Student: "Hey, is there some sort of lighting device in the room?"
Teacher: "Huh?"
Student: "Is there something I can light a cigarette with?"
Teacher: "No, there's nothing like that in here. There are gases in this room."
Student: "Well, what do you use to light them?"
Teacher: "We don't! They would explode."
Student: "So, there's not a bunsen burner or something?"

HAHAHA...Are you kidding me?!

So, here's what I think: If you have to ask your physiology lab teacher for a bunsen burner so you can light a cigarette and feed your addiction, then you might want to consider quitting. I'm just sayin'.


Zachary said...

Wow...someone has a little problem.

My favorite is the teacher's response of, "It will explode".

Melissa said...

If that's not a wake-up call, I don't know what is.

Lindsay said...

Oh wow, yikes. That's funny!

rsheedy said...

Wow! That's really funny...and sad. I can't imagine being so desperate that I would announce it to everyone, including the professor! Yikes.

Princess said...

You could have told him to rub two sticks together..........

The Wright's said...

FUNNY! I think I would transfer out of that class immediately. First impression is pretty much blown out of the water on that incident!

Ashley Rae said...

Hahaha! That is disgusting.

Mike and Meg said...

That's sad for that girl. I am so glad I don't have an addiction.

Johansen Family said...

Don't be her lab partner, she may do something crazy!

whitney said...

I'm w/Zach..."it will explode" is an automatic classic in my book!